Photo Sessions with Young kids can be successful! Here are some tips:

Choose the Right Time:

The best time to do outdoor photos is the hour or so before sunset. In the summer the sun sets late, so it might not be an ideal time if your child goes to sleep early. Instead, schedule a photo session in the spring or fall when the sun sets earlier.

Dress Comfortably:

Choose outfits for your child that are comfortable and easy to move in. If they are old enough, choose a couple options and have them help you decide what they should wear to help them feel more involved in the process.

Bring snacks:

Pack snacks to keep your child happy during the photo session. Make sure to avoid messy/sticky foods and instead opt for easy-to-eat snacks like crackers, yogurt pouches, fruit snacks, or (my go-to) smarties.

Be flexible, stay positive, and have fun!

Kids can - or more likely - will be unpredictable, so be prepared to go with the flow. Embrace candid moments and let your child's personality shine through in the photos. Some of the best photos are when kids are being kids; running, giggling, and snuggling. Even the not-so-happy faces make for great photos. It shows your life as it is now, which I think is definitely something worth documenting.

LET's chat!

If you have any questions or would like to book a session, please complete this form.